Monday, April 11, 2011

Fit for a Queen

Apparently my lovely flesh is just appealing enough that it lured a queen out of hiding.  Well, it probably wasn't really me who caused her flight, but I definitely got the brunt of her decision.  Saturday night as I lay in my bed just dozing off for the night, zing!, I get stung in the soft and very sensitive tissue of the inside of my upper arm.  Needless to say, it shocked me out of sleep.  I flailed like a startled newborn and shrieked at the top of my lungs.  Steve leaped out of bed in an instant (which is a remarkable feat since he sleeps like a dead man) and began ripping apart the bedding.  He spotted my attacker and took her down with a few vicious swats with a hair brush.  Once contained safely in a jar, we took a closer look at the source of my unwelcome wake-up call.  We discovered, staring menacingly back at us, no less than a queen.  Yes, I had been stung by a yellow jacket queen likely taking her maiden flight.  She was so big, we thought at first that she was a hornet.

In some ways it's all rather humorous.  I have odd luck with bees and wasps.  I prefer to call it "odd" rather than "bad" luck.  They really like me, in the, "Hi! How nice to meet you.  Now I'd really like to sting you for no good reason," way of liking me.  I am probably one of the few people you'll meet who can manage to get stung in her sleep by a yellow jacket in April when it's only 35 degrees outside.  But for me, it's totally normal, almost expected.

I am sure there is some special meaning in all this - getting stung in my sleep by a queen.  I just need to figure out what it is....

1 comment:

  1. This post made me laugh out loud. :) I'm sorry you've been blessed by such an odd curse! lol

    I just discovered your great blog through farmama's & have been enjoying reading it this morning!

    I don't post in my blog a whole lot these days. Mostly I just obsess over country living (which we are saving our pennies for) blogs. :)

    Your blog is lovely, thanks!
