Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Ummm, yeah.  I am going to write a post about my lunch today.  Because it was that good.

My midday meal consisted of a scramble that was made, pretty much entirely, of things I grew or raised (the exceptions being the oil, salt and pepper I used in the cooking).  I had a veggie scramble made from: eggs collected from my chickens, milk from my cow, and broccoli, spinach and three types of kale all harvested from the garden moments before being tossed into the pan.  I washed it all down with tea brewed from calendula, lemon balm and mint harvested as the water boiled.  And for dessert... freshly made raw milk yogurt from our cow with raspberries still warm from the sun-drenched thicket.

Oh yes.  This was a lunch for the record books!


  1. Oh yes, this sounds divine! And I'd be hopping up and down excitedly over having grown and raised it myself! It feels just so good. :)

  2. Oh wow - that sounds so yummy.
    What a feeling that must be!

  3. Mmmh that sounds great! And it must have tasted even better because it was all from your own produce...I hope you are having an abundant harvest time in the autumn too! xx Love, Halina (The Cherry Farm)
