Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ring the bell!

A happy post of good feelings all around tonight.  Today was a big day of accomplishment!  First and foremost I want to congratulate my girl!  Sequoia mastered her back hand springs today and officially moved up a level in gymnastics - something she has been working SO hard on for a while now.  Way to go Q!!!!!

And I am proud to say that our house is finally falling back into place a bit after a long string of disheveling events - the kitchen floor, baby chicks, spring cleaning and well scares.  Spring is springing on with a lot of projects and a whole lot getting done.  (Remind me to tell you later about the exciting decision we've made regarding the solarium remodel/repair!)

And, you know what?!  I am even more proud of my blog remodeling!  Not being the world's most computer savvy individual, I am happy with the progress made in this here little spot.  Let me know what you think!  I very much welcome feedback, thoughts, questions... what ever you've got.  Always.  I'll be working on it quite a bit in the next few days, so keep your eyes peeled for little changes and additions.

At the gymnastics gym, kids ring a big bell when they've achieved something new and everyone stops to watch, applaud and hoot and holler their support.   Lot's getting accomplished around here, so... I'm ringing the bell!


  1. Blessings...Just came across your had provided a high feeling of irations...very positive vibes..keep on uprising

  2. Yeah Q, Yeah Q! Just did a little boogie for you!!

  3. Go Sequoia...bravo..bravo...
    can't wait to see you do that again when we are out with you next month..
    Love you so much..Grandma
